#4 Popeyes Vs Subway
Sub: Fan Pages and inbond links for them
Written by: Xihao Chen
The pictures above shows the top 3
hashtags related to #Popeyes and top
4 hashtags related to
#Subwaysanwich. First of all, the
popularity of them is pretty high for each brand, which means
users frequently reach these
keywords. Secondly, each hashtag of them shows a rising
trend. That reflects more and more
people would know the related hashtags of
#Popeyes and
#Subwaysandwich. That is a good trend
for brand’s popularity. Finally, if we move the sight to
weekly trend, we can see it was
downtrend on #Popeyes’s table. In a
sense, the demand of
researching keyword #Popeyes is less than #Subwaysandwich.
https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/popeyes/?hl=en https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/subway/?hl=en
are keyword results about #Popeyes
and #Subway on #Instagram. From these hashtag pages, we can find many interesting
pictures and videos that are related to these two keywords. And fans or
customers can share their feelings or suggestions about the brand through
comments. By doing so, we can know different groups of people’s opinions that
make us know the brand in-depth.
screen captures show the related hashtags which from different social media.
Some of the authors are real fans of each brand. If fans bought the product
from #Popeyes or #Subway, they would like to hashtag the
name of the brand. Then another user would know it and share the information
with more people. This method is called word-of-mouth marketing. Comparing #Popeyes with #Subway, #Popeyes has
fewer posts than #Subway. In
conclusion, #Subway has the
strongest Page Link Metrics and word-of-mouth marketing.
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